From $300
Appointments avaliable in person at our offices or over the phone.
Sole Trader Tax Returns
Income < $75,000
No log book
No subcontractors
Income > $75,000
Log book
Up to 5 subcontractors
Income > $75,000
Log book
Unlimited subcontractors
Sole Trader Tax Returns – Our specialty!
If your turnover in any 12 month period (i.e. think 12 months in the past, what is your income at today?) is more than $75,000, you must register for GST within 21 days of becoming aware with the ATO. You will also be required to lodge quarterly activity statements known as Business Activity Statements (BAS) that report on your trading for the quarter including your wages and PAYG Withholding.
If you are not sure what your income to date would be, please get in touch so we may assist.
At Wilson & Wilson Accountants we have tiered our Sole Trader Tax Returns into three categories for our clients to benefit.
Simple Option
The simplest is the Simple Option. This category is suited to sole trading businesses with income lower than $75,000 p.a. If you are a tradesperson, general labourer or an uber driver – Simple Option could be your perfect choice.
GST Registered Option
The next level is our GST Registered Option and it is offered to sole traders that meet the following criteria: income is greater than $75,000, up to 5 employees, and completed business logbook. Starting price is only $200.
Complex Option
For larger businesses with a turnover greater than $75,000, more than 5 employees employed and a business log book present, we are happy to provide the Complex Option for all other scenarios.
*More complex circumstances than normal e.g. motor vehicle deductions, home office expenses, investment income, rental property could result in the price increase. Price will be confirmed at the appointment.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.